Repressed Memories: How do I heal from events I don’t remember?

Do you feel you may have repressed memories which impact your thoughts, beliefs and behavior at a subconscious level?


 I did.

There are large chunks of my childhood which I have little or no memory of. I was a very sad child, who grew into a miserable adult who drifted through life like a ghost.


How I felt throughout childhood. Everyone else is happy and posing playfully, while I’m trying to disappear within myself.


I walked with my head down, didn’t make eye contact, sat quietly in a corner, hoping no one would notice or speak to me, so I could just be an observer. [Which really conflicted with my love of karaoke later in life!]

I may never know exactly what happened, but I do know:

Healing IS possible, without having to recall the memory or the pain.

Having my Heart-Wall cleared with the Emotion Code was my first step. It was like having a deep, lifelong burden lifted from my heart.

Even when our conscious mind is protecting us from seeing and experiencing the pain of past events, the subconscious mind holds the truth.

The Emotion Code and The Body Code work directly with your subconscious mind to release the emotional charge and energetic imbalances caused by trauma, without having to recall, re-live or discuss the event.

Learn more about The Emotion Code


Learn more about The Body Code

That sense of freedom to truly be yourself and the desire to experience life, rather than observe it, is what inspired me to become an Emotion Code and Body Code Practitioner.

It’s a feeling I will always want to share with others!

When you are ready to start your journey, my services are just a few clicks away.


Purchase a session today


 If the Emotion Code sounds a bit too “weird” for you, that’s okay.

Everyone’s healing path and timeline is different. Take the steps which feel right to you.

Here some additional resources you might enjoy:

Maryann Whitelaw

Certified Emotion Code, Body Code & Belief Code Practitioner + Advanced Reiki Master Teacher, Self-development Enthusiast, Introvert (INFJ), Spiritualist, Heart-centred Solopreneur.

I don’t want to talk about it


My Heart-Wall Clearing Experience