Energy Healing FAQs

Whether you are new Energy Healing, just discovering Passion/Gratitude: The Introvert Healer, or you are a long term client or practitioner, the below Frequently Asked Questions offer a range of insights and perspectives you may have not previously considered.

All responses are from the desk of Maryann Whitelaw: Certified Energy Healer | Self-development Enthusiast | Introvert (INFJ) | Spiritualist | Heart-Centered Solopreneur.

Please note that links provided may include affiliate referral codes which earn a small commission on purchases, at no extra cost to you.

Crystal pendulums, crystal coast and leaves on top of a tree stumps

FAQs: General Energy Healing Questions

  • The Emotion Code is a form of energy healing, which was developed by Dr Bradley Nelson D.C. (ret.).

    The Emotion Code works with your subconscious to release Trapped Emotions. Releasing these stuck energies allows your body to begin to heal itself.

    Get The Emotion Code Book

  • The Body Code is a patented, revolutionary energy-balancing system, intended to help uncover root causes of discomfort, sickness and suffering in body and spirit.

    Developed by Dr Bradley Nelson D.C. (ret.), The Body Code is the larger energy healing system which The Emotion Code sits within.

    The Body Code is a series of mind maps which can identify over 800 different imbalances and misalignments anywhere in the physical and spiritual/energetic body.

    Get The Body Code Book

  • The Belief Code is an addendum to the Body Code System.

    The Belief Code modality releases Belief Systems and the associated imbalances.

  • Reiki is a powerful energy healing methodology (and overall belief system) which sends healing energy and helps to release stuck energies.

    Reiki trusts Source energy to flow and heal where it is needed for your highest good.

    By creating better flow within your energy system, your body is able to start or continue the healing process.

    Read more about The History of Reiki

  • Trapped Emotions are balls of energy which become stuck in your body and energy field.

    An emotion can become trapped when it is felt intensely, it is denied or ignored, or when the normal emotional process (creating -> feeling -> letting go) is interrupted.

    Learn more about The Emotion Code

    When these Trapped Emotions are concentrated in and around your heart, they form a Heart-Wall which can make it harder for you give or receive love.

    Learn more about The Heart-Wall

  • The main principle behind Energy Healing is the quantum physics belief and Universal Law: everything is made of energy. [Source]

    Energy can be physical (your body, furniture, flowers, buildings etc) and it can be invisible (heat, wind, emotions, thoughts etc). But because everything is made of the same basic building blocks (subatomic particles), any energy can impact or change another energy.

    Once we have decoded the imbalance and all associated imbalances, we energetically treat it using intention, magnetic fields and principles of ancient Chinese medicine.

    Energy Healing releases these stuck energies and allows your body to heal itself of emotional and/or physical challenges.

  • There are over 800 different imbalances which can be identified and energetically treated with The Body Code.

    These imbalances are sorted into 6 categories:

    • Energy

    • Circuit and systems

    • Toxin

    • Pathogen

    • Misalignment

    • Nutrition and lifestyle.

  • These are emotions, thoughts, ideas, mental patterns and behavior triggers which became stuck due to the intensity of the event, repetition or because the body was imbalanced in some way.

    Energies can also be inherited, absorbed or shared.

    Energy imbalance categories include: Post traumatic, offensive, mental, allergies or intolerances, emotional, reverberations.

  • Any part of the physical or energetic body can become imbalanced - usually due to associated imbalances from the energy category.

    Releasing the associated imbalances helps the body to return to a balanced state.

    Circuits or System imbalance categories include: Disconnections, body cycles or rhythms, organs, glands, systems, energy body.

  • "Toxin" refers to any product or ingredient that could add to the toxic load of the body.

    Toxins may be from any time or point in your life.

    Imbalance categories within Toxins include: Dental toxins, biological poisons, food toxins, drugs, heavy metal, excesses, electromagnetic radiation, environmental.

  • Pathogen imbalance categories include: mold, viruses, prions, biofilm, parasites, fungus, bacteria.

    Pathogens can be physically present in the body or just energetically present.

    If a physical pathogen is found, refer to a health care provider for more information.

    If an energetic pathogen is found, this indicates that the body has removed the pathogen, but the effects were still present.

  • Any part of the physical or energetic body can become misaligned - often only microscopically- and have an imbalancing effect within the body.

    Releasing the associated imbalances helps your body to realign itself.

    Misalignments can be identified in the body systems, skeleton, organs, glands, soft tissue, meridians and chakras.

  • This category includes imbalances such as sleep cycle, outside needs, nutrition, herbs and spices, the magnetic field, essential oils, colour imbalances and hydration.

    These are often suggestions, directly from your subconscious, on how to achieve better balance within your body.

    Always use your best judgement and speak to a health care provider before introducing something new to your body.

Crystals,  business  cards and a feather in the sand

FAQs: Before a Distance Energy Healing session

  • Yes - but the session is more likely to be successful if you keep an open mind and believe you are releasing energetic imbalances.

    Intention is a powerful thing.

    During each session, I set a genuine intention to release imbalances to allow your body to begin/continue to heal itself and have the greatest positive impact on your life.

    Together with your belief and intention to release stuck energies, we can achieve a lot more than with my intention alone.

  • Everyone!

    The Emotion Code is for everyone who experiences emotions: man, woman, child or animal.

    The Body Code identifies and energetically treats areas of the physical and energetic body which have been affected by trapped emotions and other stuck energy.

    Reiki balances your energy field, aligns your chakras and strengthens your aura for better energy flow.

    Together these 3 powerful Energy Healing methods create the ideal conditions for your body to heal itself.

  • Any time you feel there may be an unconscious block causing you discomfort, affecting your relationships or holding you back from achieving your goals.

    At Passion/Gratitude: The Introvert Healer we aim to complete all sessions within 24 hours.

    This is the benefit of Distance Energy Healing: there’s no need to schedule an appointment around your busy life.

  • The Emotion Code, The Body Code and Reiki are all safe, gentle, non-invasive form of energy healing methods which work directly with your subconscious.

    Your subconscious leads each session and will tell us, through applied kinesiology, if you are not ready an Energy Healing session. (Usually because you are currently processing emotions naturally or from another energy healing session.)

    Emotional processing generally takes 1-2 days so you could have an Energy Healing Session as frequently as every 2 days, if you feel the need.

  • It varies. Some people will have instant results, but this is the exception, rather than the rule.

    Energy healing promotes harmony and balance within, helping to relieve stress, support the body’s overall well-being and create a better mind-body-soul connection.

    There are no guaranteed results, but all sessions are completed with a pure intention for your highest good only.

    Emotional healing often happens in layers. As we chip away at the layers of imbalances from your life, you may experience slow, incremental relief, or you may experience nothing at all, until the third or fourth session when your issue suddenly resolves completely.

    If you've suffered from an issue for over 3 years, would it be worth it to spend 3 weeks trying to resolve it? I think so!

  • “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” - Arthur C Clarke

    You don’t have to tell anyone any more than you are comfortable sharing.

    We respect your privacy and will never share your details or session results with anyone else.

    Everyone is on their own path and they can only meet you at their current level of consciousness and understanding, based on their own experience.

    Please do not be discouraged by skeptics* or critics. Keep going down your own path.

    There is nothing wrong with wanting to believe the world is a magical place, and there is no shame in taking the steps towards emotional freedom which feel right to you.

    *I was one the most skeptical people in the world before I learned about The Emotion Code.

    Read my story about how I transformed from alcohol abusing cynic to a Certified Energy Healer in the Blog Post: My Heart-Wall Clearing Experience.

  • Energy Healing believes in free will, therefore sessions will only be successful if the recipient has given permission.

    By purchasing a session with Passion/Gratitude: The Introvert Healer: The Introvert Healer (or performing a session yourself) you are confirming permission has been granted to receive energy healing by either:

    1. the person receiving this session; and/or

    2. the legal caregiver of the child (aged 17 years old or less) receiving a session; and/or

    3. the owner of any animal receiving a session.

    The only exception to this rule is that when you receive an Energy Healing session, your subconscious may find shared, absorbed or inherited energies.

    When these types of energies are identified, decoded and released, they also release from everyone who shares that same energy.

    It’s a pretty sweet little loophole!

Sound bowl and business card in the sand

FAQs: During a Distance Energy Healing Session

    • Set an intention to release the imbalances which are contributing to your issue/s.

    • Stay well hydrated. Drinking a healthy amount of water helps the circulation of energy throughout your body by improving your blood flow.

  • Every practitioner has a different process, depending on their training, modality, beliefs and processes.

    The Introvert Healer method is:

    • Setting a pure intention to help the client.

    • Generating gratitude for the opportunity.

    • Taking a moment of silence to ask for assistance from Source and my ancestors with healing abilities.

    • Connecting to your subconscious through the quantum field. (Everything is made up of energy, including the knowledge stored in your subconscious).

    • Using a pendulum for applied kinesiology, ask your subconscious a series yes/no questions.

    • Identify and decodes the details of the imbalance using the Discover Healing App.

    • Find all underlying and associated imbalances.

    • Release or energetically treat the imbalances using magnetic fields and the principles of ancient Chinese medicine.

    • Continue to find and release as many imbalances as your subconscious can process at the time of the session.

    • Close the session with a Reiki balancing reset of your chakras and aura.

    • Disconnect from your subconscious.

    • Prepare your Energy Healing Session report.

    • Email you the details and provide email support for any questions and clarifications.

    1. Keep an open mind and set your intention to release imbalances.

    2. That’s it!

    Once your details and payment have been submitted, you can go about your day as normal.

    You may even sleep through your session because The Body Code is completely painless and non-invasive.

    Your Distance Energy Healing Session will be completed within 24 hours.

    If you have not received your report within 24 hours, please submit a form on the Contact page.

Pendulums, crystal coaster and leaves on top of a tree stump

FAQs: After a Distance Energy Healing Session

  • Your Distance Energy Healing Session will be completed within 24 hours and you will receive an email report about your session.*

    Depending on the intensity of the energies and your sensitivity to Energy Healing you may experience:

    • Warmth throughout your body

    • Emotional sensitivity

    • Lightness and joy

    • Vivid dreams

    • Extreme thirst (hydration helps with energy flow)

    • Inner peace and calm.

    There may also be a few days of ‘processing’ following your Distance Energy Healing Session.

    *If you have not received your session report within 24 hours, please reply to your order confirmation email or submit a Contact form

  • ‘Processing’ is when your subconscious mind continues to make connections to fully integrate the healing.

    Example: After releasing a Trapped Emotion, your subconscious is able to remove the emotional charge of the associated memories. This can take some brain power if it was a particularly intense memory or the event occurred a long time ago.

    ‘Processing’ can also be a physical process.

    When we energetically treat or release imbalances with Energy Healing, your body’s innate healing processes will begin/continue to treat the area.

    This may result in fatigue or emotional sensitivity, swelling at the site of an old injury due to increased blood flow, flu-like symptoms or stomach discomfort as your body eliminates toxins.

    Processing will be different for everyone and every session.

    Please trust that it will be whatever is natural and normal for your body, and take any action you feel may benefit you during the processing period.

    If the processing symptoms are extreme or last longer than 2 days, contact your Practitioner to request an energy balancing reset.

  • The ages can be plus or minus one year from when the energy became trapped, and this may be later than the actual event occurrence. This happens when we remember the event years later and begin to experience the emotional reaction again.

    If you see the age and imbalance, then instantly think of an event, this will be the cause approximately 95% of the time.

    If nothing comes to mind, that’s fine too. Sometimes events can impact our subconscious minds more than we realize.

  • We can experience the same emotional or mental response to events multiple times throughout our lives.

    Each imbalance vibrates at a specific frequency range. If you have that frequency within you, you are more likely to create more of the same energy again, because it is in resonance with an existing frequency.

    Your subconscious also learns from how you previously responded to similar situations and will create the same energy again.

  • Absolutely!

    If you have not already, I suggest you start with The Emotion Code, then move to The Body Code once you have mastered muscle testing.

    Here are some resources to get your started:

    Note: If you have trouble muscle testing or doubt your abilities when you first get started, you may benefit from purchasing an Emotion Code or Body Code session focusing on releasing any underlying causes of self-doubt.

    Sometimes we need another person’s assistance to get objective answers about ourselves.